segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

World Records of The Skateboard

Most air spins in a competition

  Was broken in 2011 by skateboarder Tomp Shaar with a spinning 1080 degrees, ie 3 full turns in the air, beating the 900 of Tony Hawk.

Higer Ollie

Conquered in 2013 by Bernd Trattinig jumping 1 m and 15.2 cm, 2mm more than the previous owner of this record.

Skate With The Greatest Distance In One Day 

Made by Ted Mc Donald for having covered 390 km in one day, with a longboard.

Highest Speed Reached On A Skateboard 

128 km / h was the fastest speed ever achieved over a skatesem nothing to help.

Source: Portal do Skate

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